The Pastoral Team at Welholme Academy
The Pastoral Team provide a complementary service to teachers and school staff, addressing the needs of learners who need support to overcome barriers to learning in order to achieve their full potential. The team are also here to help you to support your child in a number of ways:
- support your child's emotional well-being
- giving you skills for positive behaviour management - one to one/group support, Triple P, Family Links
- understanding and supporting your child's learning
- support for parents/carers of children with additional or complex needs
- general support and advice
- attendance
Attendance is monitored in school by Miss Reynolds; and by the Education Welfare Officers, Mrs L Lowther, Mrs L Swinburne and Miss Cardy.
Good attendance is celebrated every week in assembly and the class with the highest percentage receives a trophy and a class treat.
At the end of each term, every child with 100% attendance will be celebrated in assembly and presented with a certificate. Every half-term, parents will receive information about their child's current attendance rate.
Throughout the year, we have attendance challenges. This is an opportunity to celebrate 100% attendance and to celebrate improvements in attendance.
Nurture Support
We run a nurture group called ASPIRE at Welholme Academy. This is led by Mrs. Anne-Marie Maclennan and Mrs. Mandy Adams.
We work with children, in a small group, who may struggle with school and for whom coping with the expectations of the classroom is too much. The nurture room provides a secure base from which children can begin to engage in the process of learning and develop the confidence that enables them to find their place in the wider school community.
Our nurture group has been developed around six principles of nurture:
- learning is understood developmentally
- the classroom offers a safe base
- the importance of nurture for the development of well-being
- language is a vital means of communication
- all behaviour is communication
- the importance of transition in the lives if children and young people
If you would like to talk to a member of the Pastoral Team, you can:
- contact us on 01472 329944
- catch us in the playground at the start and end of the day
- attend one of our Drop-In sessions
Look out for texts and updates on the website for events, themes for Drop-Ins and more information.